Be more AI creative

Download Promptus for free and have access to 100+ AI models including DALL·E 3, Flux, Stable Diffussion.
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Promptus Install Guide

This tutorial covers the entire process—from downloading and setting up Promptus to generating high-quality content using powerful AI image generators and AI video generators.

Affinez et perfectionnez votre IA générative

Allez au-delà des vidéos et images IA — faites évoluer votre IA en personnages avec des fonctionnalités puissantes.
gpu compute

AI workflows just got smarter and faster

No more piecing together tools that don’t play nice. Promptus isn’t just a tool; it’s a playground for your imagination.

promptus ai video generator

Share your compute

Join our distributed GPU compute network. Help us make AI accessible, scalable
and secure for designer, developers and start-ups.

promptus ai video generator
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ai image generatorai video generator
promptus ai video generator